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Archive for the ‘Horse Communication’ Category


Today I stumbed across a wonderful video clip on YouTube that I simply have to share with you…Do enlarge the video window- this is worth seeing in Full Screen! (button in bottom right hand corner)

Scroll down below the clip to find out more about these beautiful horses and what they do!! There is also a 2nd clip right at the end of this article.


HORSE DREAM’s Founders

HorseDream is a German based global working company, founded in 1996 by Gerhard and Karin Krebs at the Lake of Constance.

This following in an insert taken from and tells how HorseDream started… 

By : Gerhard and Karin Krebs

In 1999 we relocated to the middle of Odenwald, a low mountain range near Frankfurt. Since October 2008 we live and work at Gut Klein Nienhagen, close to the Baltic Sea.

With the assistance of our Friesian horses, we offer a regular schedule of open programs, private or corporate sessions can be booked at your convenience.

Gerhard: About our journey to HorseDream

Karin and I had been self-employed since 1983 in the IT-world, working around the clock. In 1989 we decided to go on a riding holiday. I was nearly 40 years old Read the rest of this entry »

MARGRIT COATES- Introduction to Healing for Horses

Magrit Coates & Oliver

This past weekend’s workshop with world reknown animal Healer & Communicator, Magrit Coates, was a fantastic success. We spent 2 full days learning from Margrit’s vast experience and wisdom. Our August newsletter will feature more information on how the weekend went, so today I want to focus and give a background on what exactly “healing” is…

*All information below is from Margrit Coates website Please visit her site from more information.

Horse Healing

What sort of horses need healing?
All horses can benefit from hands on healing and which you can give yourself. Any horse which has been traumatised in the past (for example through injury , accident, illness, bad handling, abuse, neglect etc) no matter how long ago, can benefit, as healing aims to restore balance top the energy field and discharge negative energy.

Disturbed energy can lead to disease and disorder and all physical illness will have an emotional element to it. Pain and stress are very upsetting for a horse and lead to, so-called, behavioural problems.

Healing and communication is not horse whispering – it is more powerful
Hands on healing, and communicating with horses, is not horse whispering because it works through unseen energies. Healing is a communication energy that you can connect with, which works deeply with your equine using soul language to rebalance and harmonise the energy field .

You can use healing energy for Read the rest of this entry »

Why Natural Horsemanship Works

Natural horsemanship works because it recognizes that it is easier for a horse to understand what we want them to do if we communicate to them in a language they already understand, rather than attempting to teach them our language.

The eye is the window of the soul

is a method of teaching and interacting with horses based on trust, respect and communication, in a language the horse can understand, rather than using fear, intimidation and mechanical devices. Read the rest of this entry »

A Knight Amongst Horsemen

Written by Petra Webstein

Could there be possibly such a profound difference between horse people? What is it really that a knight applies to be with his horse?

If you are watching Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling, working with horses you quickly see and feel for yourself that there is something you can not quite put your finger on. It is intriguing, challenging but at the same time calling you forward to a place which most of us have only found in our dreams.

So really, what is it about this man with the name of Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling that truly sets him apart from the rest? Read the rest of this entry »


Just like us, our horses get unbalanced. The typical way of noticing this is to assess their physical conformation or bio-mechanics, however I am referring to something much more powerful. I am referring to their emotions. By combining both Tellington-touch™, the work of Margrit Coates, Healing for Horses, Acupressure, and an intuitive sense of where these imbalances might be, it is amazing to see the incredible release that a horse can feel instantly.


Horses have an energy system just like us known as the Chakras, and just like us this system can become unbalanced and blocked. Blockages may present as aberrant emotions like anger, sadness, anxiety, lethargy – things you may not be used to seeing in your horse.Did you know that your horse’s heart chakra actually has four distinct points? To locate the heart chakra, place one hand gently just behind the withers, and one hand on the front of the chest in the flesh part. You now have located a direct line between two of the points.

While gently standing with your horse, bend your knees slightly, soften your eyes, bring your shoulders down and allow your breath to flow into your belly. Say these words “I love you and I will always be with you. It is okay to release whatever you are carrying, whether mine or yours.”

Horses are extremely empathic animals. They have a very strong and finely tuned sensing device. It is what has allowed them to still be with us after all these years. It keeps them safe. The down side of this sensing means that horses pick up things that humans miss.
Research tells us that horses see in pictures, and so the slightest change to the environment will be noticed by them. This may also be true for their ability to sense emotions. If we can keep ourselves balanced emotionally, we will be doing a world of good for our 4-legged friends.
Use the simple practice identified above, and you will see improvement both within yourself and your horse.

Give your horse the gift of healing today, and write back and let me know how it went (or even book a session with me so that I can help you learn how to do this most effectively on your own)

Here is what one person recently said about their Emotional Balancing Session I provided to their horse.

“Before Linda-Ann came to work with me and my horse, I was at a complete loss. I was experiencing a great deal of aggression and anxiety that was uncharacteristic of my horse, to the point where she was becoming unsafe. Linda-Ann easily deciphered what I can do to relieve the cause of this stress on her, but even more so she showed how I can change my life for the benefit of both us. As a fellow healer, I believe Linda-Ann’s wisdom and intuition are inimitable, and are a huge benefit to anyone in the human or horse world.” Katherine

Contact or call (604) 889-4452.

Linda-Ann Bowling

Master Intuitive Coach and Healer



Equine Expressions: Understanding Your Horse’s Body Language- Part 2

Here is the second part of a great article I’d like to share about understanding you horse’s body language. In Part 1 the article explained communication by the:

Ears, Eyes & Face

Head, Neck & Tail

Today, in Part 2 it explains communication by the:

Legs, Posture & Voice

Olfactory Signals

Horses vs. Other Animals


By Laurel Scott

Understanding equine body language is critical to successful horse-human interactions. Find out what it all means.

Energy & purpose

Legs, Posture & Voice
Reading a horse’s body language can also help the savvy owner identify subtle signs of lameness or discomfort. Alternate resting of the hind legs is common and should not ordinarily be a cause for concern. However, resting of the front legs is not normal, and if your horse is pointing a front foot or only touching the ground with a front toe, it’s time to investigate the cause.

The key, of course, is learning which postures are “normal” for your horse–and which are not…. Read the rest of this entry »

Equine Expressions: Understanding Your Horse’s Body Language- Part 1

Another great article I’d like to share about understanding you horse’s body language. In Part 1 the article will explain communication by the:

Ears, Eyes & Face

Head, Neck & Tail


By Laurel Scott

Understanding equine body language is critical to successful horse-human interactions. Find out what it all means.

Oh, those ears–the way they flit back and forth! And that swishing tail! A horse can speak volumes using body language. But what exactly does all that mean? And how important is it that we know?

Understanding equine body language is critical to successful horse-human interactions.

Just ask Dr. Camie Heleski, coordinator of the Michigan State University Horse Management Program and lead instructor for My Horse University’s online Horse Behavior and Welfare Course, which is based out of Michigan State University. “Many horse accidents are a result of not reading the horse’s body language,” she explains. “We are working with a very large animal that still thinks primarily like a creature of prey, hence, being observant to their body language is possibly more important than when working with any other animal.”

Equines actually communicate using all five senses: sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste. Read the rest of this entry »

Horse Psychology

Here is a great article & fantastic video clip on Human vs Horse Psychology from one of my favourite sites


Article written by: Elaine Polny



Let’s first define what horse psychology is. It is the scientific study of the horse’s mind and its functions. Encompassing the mental characteristics or attitude of the species.

This field of study is growing so we may discover better ways to communicate and care for them. The best way to understand any animal is not through domesticated study but through field studies in the animal’s natural environment. It is in the wild where horse psychology has given birth to new concepts of understanding.

To best understand horse psychology it is best to first understand herd behavior. Horses are a herd animal and of the flight kind. They also live by a pecking order or hierarchy social order. Their first instinct to danger is to Read the rest of this entry »



The first step to building a strong relationship with your horse is to understand why he is the way he is, what makes him react the way he does and basically- how the world looks from his eyes. A horse is not a human and to try applying the rules that govern our human society to the equine world is not only foolhardy and dangerous, but it is also cruel.

It may not make sense to us why he does some of the things he does, but to him it makes perfect sense. This is why we need to understand horse psychology in order understand our horse and once we understand him, maybe then and only then can we begin to teach and train him.

Today we will begin to explain the dynamic that is the horse and his herd.

Understanding Horse Behaviour

Horses originally lived on wide open plains and would Read the rest of this entry »

Are Your Horse’s Emotions Making Him Sick?

Article by: Madalyn Ward, DVM

Are Your Horse’s Emotions Making Him Sick?

Do you ever wonder what your horse is really thinking? Is he happy, sad, frustrated, or angry? Or are suppressed emotions affecting him in a negative way?

It is often at that moment in training when we feel we have finally convinced our horse to see things our way that the real problems start for your horse. As long as a horse is free to express who he really is he is happy, but when he is forced to adapt totally to his person’s agenda his physical and emotional health may suffer.

Suppressed Emotions = Sickness
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a term for the state brought on by suppressed emotions. It is called Liver Qi Stagnation. In TCM, the Liver is responsible for the smooth flow of Qi, or life energy, in the body. Suppressed emotions, such as grief, anger, jealousy, or resentment over time can cause this Qi circulation to be blocked.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that a horse doesn’t have to behave or should never be asked to do something he doesn’t want to do. What I am saying that is we should honor the horse’s temperament, and meet his emotional and physical needs as much as possible.

What Does Liver Qu Stagnation Look Like?
So what does Liver Qi Stagnation look like and how can it be avoided? It can look different in different horse temperaments and have many causes. Here’s how it looks in each of the five Horse Harmony Temperament Types.

Fire Horse
In the emotional Fire horse quality time spent with his or her person is very important. Liver Qi Stagnation is often brought on by feelings of abandonment or jealousy. In the Fire horse mare, symptoms often show up as hormone imbalances and painful ovulations. Cystic ovaries can develop causing severe pain and tightness in the ribcage. Fire horse gelding are less likely to be hormonal but can still have tightness in the ribcage which affects their ability to be supple.

Earth Horse
The Earth horse likes food and attention. He is not overly ambitious and prefers his world to be orderly and relaxed. Excessive pressure from a heavy training or show schedule can shift the Earth horse into Liver Qi Stagnation. Digestive upset is often the result and indigestion, stomach ulcers, or diarrhea can become chronic.

Metal Horse
The Metal horse does best with a steady job and he is happy to do hard, satisfying work. Learning too many news things at once can confuse a Metal horse, especially if he does not understand exactly what he is being asked to do. Liver Qi Stagnation in the Metal horse often shows up as diaphragm issues. He may hold his breath, especially when being saddled, and become braced when being ridden. If a Metal horse is forced through his brace, he may react by bucking. He is not trying to misbehave but finds this is only avenue to release his tension. Other efforts to release the tightness in his diaphragm include repeated sighing and even hiccups.

Water Horse
The Water horse is also emotional but seeks safety over affection. A Water horse also releases tension by moving his feet. If movement is taken away from the Water horse he can become overly reactive. If punished for his reaction he can suppress his emotions and become depressed, moody, and unpredictable. Trust is critical for the Water horse and until he can regain his confidence and believe that he will not be hurt or frightened, he will not work to his potential.

Wood Horse
The Wood horse wants excitement in his life. He loves to learn new things and be challenged in his work. When the Wood horse is chronically bored he can quickly go into Liver Qi Stagnation. This will look like tension and overall tightness. Riding a Wood horse that is in a stagnant state can feel like sitting on a keg of dynamite.

How to Avoid “Emotional” Sickness in Your Horse

Avoiding the conditions that lead to Liver Qi Stagnation, or “emotional” sickness, is the very best approach, but not always possible. The flower essence called Life Changes can help the horse deal with past experiences and let go of old suppressed emotions. Unfortunately, palliation of symptoms may be needed when less than perfect conditions are unavoidable. Feeding according to the temperament type can go a long way in supporting the horse. Specific feeding directions for specific issues are discussed in the Five Element Feeding Guide.

Based on my experience, I have come to believe the emotions of the horse do affect his health much more than we realize. This is why our best feeding programs sometimes fall short in preventing health issues, but nutrition and certain herbal products do help and should be used when needed to keep the horse as healthy as possible.

For more information about Madalyn Ward- Visit: 

And for more of her articles- Visit: