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Archive for the ‘Horses and cancer’ Category

Herbal Glossary-

Before we can truly understand how to start supplementing our horses’ diets or treating their disorders & illness with herbs, we need to understand the actions of each herbs, and in so doing we begin to learn when, where & how to use specific herbs…

It would be a good idea to print out this list and put it somewhere where you can see and read it often and soon you will suprise yourself with how quickly you learn…

Herbs that normalize and restore body functions and increase the body’s nonspecific resistance to stress: ginseng, licorice, nettle and astragulus.

Also known as blood purifiers. Herbs that gradually restore health and vitality to the body: burdock, red clover, nettle, oregon grape, alfalfa, gota kola, marshmallow, dong quai, and ginseng.

Substance that relieves pain: scullcap, valerian, passion flower, catnip and chamomile. Read the rest of this entry »

Shiatsu Massage for Horses- An Introduction

Yvonne Allen- At Ease Horse Care

Shiatsu is a Japanese word meaning finger pressure. Shi means “”finger”” and atsu means “”pressure””. Shiatsu massage is very similar to acupuncture as it works with the same principles being that certain points on and inside the body if stimulated properly, will have a positive effect on the body’s ability to heal itself and restore health.

Shiatsu is both Read the rest of this entry »

Understanding and Growing Herbs for Horses

By Robert McDowell

When I first studied Herbal medicine, (having come from an Engineering and Science background) I had great difficulty coming to terms with, and understanding how on earth all this knowledge was arrived at in the first place.

How many dead Herbalists did it take to decide which herbs were poisonous? And then -How many more trials did it take to find out that Dandelion was good to treat Liver conditions? Read the rest of this entry »