Horse Psychology
Here is a great article & fantastic video clip on Human vs Horse Psychology from one of my favourite sites
Article written by: Elaine Polny
Let’s first define what horse psychology is. It is the scientific study of the horse’s mind and its functions. Encompassing the mental characteristics or attitude of the species.
This field of study is growing so we may discover better ways to communicate and care for them. The best way to understand any animal is not through domesticated study but through field studies in the animal’s natural environment. It is in the wild where horse psychology has given birth to new concepts of understanding.
To best understand horse psychology it is best to first understand herd behavior. Horses are a herd animal and of the flight kind. They also live by a pecking order or hierarchy social order. Their first instinct to danger is to run or flee. If they are unable to run they will fight. Cows however, even though they are a herd animal, will bunch together for safety first before choosing to flee. Rapid movement is what sets off both kinds of herd animals.
Herd animals are also placed in the category of “prey” animal. A prey species means that it is killed and eaten by predator animals such as lions, wolves (or people). So our challenge would be to not act like a predator and instead demonstrate language that does not bring about the dominant emotion of FEAR while also respecting their need for a pecking order structure.
I am often asked, if my horse is always at the bottom of the pecking order with other horses, won’t he/she be the same with me? The answer in horse psychology terms is, have you proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are the strongest, fastest and most brave when faced with perceived danger? Do you show your horse that you are the best leader that he can follow? Keeping him safe, comfortable and loved? Or does he get glimpses of inconsistent behavior? Sometimes you lead, other times you follow?
A good indicator of needing to apply more horse psychology strategy would be if your horse often tries to bite or push into you. They would never try to do these things to their leader, that would be too disrespectful and the consequence would be severe.
We must ask ourselves these questions whenever we handle our horses in order to apply horse psychology.
To see further how we define and utilize horse psychology with natural horse training click here
Keep in mind that I only need to be one higher in the order. For example, if my horse’s demeanor was like a #4, I only need to prove I am a #3. If I showed behavior like a #2, it could be too much dominance and likely scare my horse and create distrust instead. Remember, we want our horse’s trust to come from respect not fear and intimidation.
Elaine Polny
Along with my husband David Polny, we own and operate Horses by Nature located in Palgrave, Ontario, Canada
R.R.1, 1162 Concession Road 7
Adjala Township
Palgrave, Ontario, Canada
L0N 1P0
Phone: (905) 936-1032
Along with my husband David Polny, we own and operate Horses by Nature located in Palgrave, Ontario, Canada
R.R.1, 1162 Concession Road 7
Adjala Township
Palgrave, Ontario, Canada
L0N 1P0
Phone: (905) 936-1032
I have been teaching and perpetually researching the many facets of the natural horse world, for over 25 years.
As a Reiki Master and energy worker I not only deal with the fundamentals of horse care but also encompass the psychological, spiritual, environmental and all symbiotic relationships directly connecting to the equine way of life and all living creatures.
Along with my husband David Polny, we own and operate Horses by Nature located in Palgrave, Ontario, Canada
R.R.1, 1162 Concession Road 7
Adjala Township
Palgrave, Ontario, Canada
L0N 1P0
Phone: (905) 936-1032