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Why Natural Horsemanship Works

Natural horsemanship works because it recognizes that it is easier for a horse to understand what we want them to do if we communicate to them in a language they already understand, rather than attempting to teach them our language.

The eye is the window of the soul

is a method of teaching and interacting with horses based on trust, respect and communication, in a language the horse can understand, rather than using fear, intimidation and mechanical devices.

Natural Horsemanship

This should NOT imply that Natural Horsemanship does not use firmness and the establishment of appropriate space and behavioural boundaries for horses.

Horses establish a hierarchy and pecking order within the herd, and establish boundaries and claim space around themselves. Horses move other horses with a look, laying their ears back, raising the bridge of their nose in an aggressive way and by biting and kicking.

All of these methods can be used by the Natural Horseman;

Horses do not beat each other with sticks, and Natural Horsemen don’t use sticks to beat horses.

A Horse Speaks with his Body

Many people think using communication and trust to get horses to do what we want them to do is new. The truth is, gaining a horses trust is the oldest way of teaching them.

When the first man climbed on a horses back, about five thousand years ago, he didn’t have a rope, a corral, a snubbing post, or a chute.

All he had was his ability to communicate to the horse, that the horse, a prey animal, was in no danger from the predator climbing on his back.

It was only later when we had the tools to physically subdue horses that we began to take the “shortcuts” that led us away from gaining the horses trust before we got on their back.

If we are going to communicate with them it’s easier for us to learn their language than the other way around.

The biggest mistake people make in trying to teach horses is, using predator psychology on a prey animal, it just doesn’t work very well.

The more we look at things from the horse’s point of view the easier it is for them to understand what we are asking them to learn.

Horses are Mirrors of Us- There are no Bad Horses, only Bad People


Visit for more info on Jim Rae and their CNHC (Colorado Natural Horsemanship Centre)

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