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Posts Tagged ‘treating sarcoids with herbs’

Beating Sarcoids with Herbs- A Testimonial

By Faye Birkin

In 2006 a very special, red chestnut Arab gelding called Champ came into my life. He was about 11 years old at the time, and apart from suffering from a terrible history of founder and seedy toe, he also had 3 dormant sarcoids on his body, that had up till then, been growing relatively slowly and not causing too much trouble. One was inside his ear, one in the centre of his chest and the other on his flank.

Then, an unlucky combination of a particularly hot summer, a bad year of flies & Champ scratching up against trees and rolling, broke 2 of these

April 2008

 sarcoids open. Of course, this is one of the worst things for sarcoids… Once disturbed, they began to grow, literally overnight. Nothing I did helped. The more I tried to keep them clean the more inflamed, irritated & sensitive they became. Read the rest of this entry »