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Holistic Horse Health: Is Stress Affecting Your Horse’s Liver? (Part 3)

See below for more thoughts from Madalyn Ward, DVM, on the topic of stress and how it affects a horse’s liver function.


Solutions for Coping with Stress

High chlorophyll foods such and blue green algae have a protective and cleansing effect on liver tissue. Blue green algae and sprouted greens are also high in natural antioxidants which aid the liver in detoxifying the body.

Certain nutritional mushrooms such as Maitake, Poria, Reishi and Cordyceps aid the liver by helping to lower sugar levels in the blood. Green foods in combination with nutritional mushrooms and spouted greens support the liver and kidneys in their roles of removing toxins from the body. Exercise is also critical for helping the Liver to move Qi and to lower insulin levels in the blood.

Liver support:

• Homeopathic Nux vomica
• Milk thistle and dandelion root
• High chlorophyll foods such as blue green algae and sprouted greens
• Nutritional mushrooms
• Exercise

Stress is part of many horses’ lives but its damaging effects can be kept to a minimum with proper support for the digestive tract and liver. In addition to the stress lowering steps mentioned in last month’s newsletter you may also want to consider your horse’s temperament. Different type and temperament horses respond differently to stress and will need different support for best results.

Check out Horse Harmony to help you determine your horse’s temperament type and look at our Feeding Guide to help select the best products for your horse.

References: Dr. Greer GI seminar, Nov 2013

More from Madalyn Ward, DVM:
Twitter: @madalynward

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