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TTOUCH & how it helped heal Laminitis- Missy’s Story

MISSY (Hit and Miss)

 by Jo Pogson,  England  –  Tellington TTouch for horses Practitioner 1

On May 11th 2009 I went to pick up my pony, Missy, who had been on loan for the previous 5 years to a very knowledgeable woman who had successfully taken her from preliminary to advanced-medium dressage, qualifying for the regional finals every year.  “She’s been a bit footy so I shut her into the barn, but she broke out last night and stuffed herself so she’s a bit sore today” she told me that morning.  I fought back the tears as I slowly led my crippled mare across the field to the waiting lorry.  She loaded well despite her obvious pain and my friend Sarah’s partner Steve drove her very carefully home.

Inspection of her condition showed her to be grossly overweight with mud fever on all four legs, thrush in all four feet and laminitis in all four feet. 

And so it began.  She got worse before she got better: the disease had already taken a firm hold and she was past the time for prevention.  Her pedal bones in both front feet rotated and the left one caused a large bulge in the sole of her foot, threatening to penetrate at any time.  The vet gave her a 50/50 chance and even Mark, an extraordinary farrier who has successfully rehabilitated laminitics in the past, was doubtful that she would survive.

But she did more than survive.  7 months and two days later I rode her, just for ten minutes in walk and now begins a new chapter in her story as she begins to rediscover herself.  And through that 7 months she has taught me about miracles, about unbreakable spirit and about trust borne of listening.

It is without doubt that the speed of her recovery is due to TTouch.  Yes there were other factors that were important too.  Laminitis is a systemic disease and therefore requires systemic treatment so feed, hay, herbal support, pain relief and very careful and thoughtful farriery were all vital.  And her new friend, Millipede the wise old Shetland, who watched over her while she was unable to stand was indispensable. 

But it was TTouch that enabled her to always be the best she could be while her body was damaged.  TTouch gave her new and better ways to experience herself and to find new ways for her amazing spirit to carry her forward out of her physical situation and repair herself: it constantly reminded her of what she could do. 

Part 2 to be posted on Wednesday…be sure to check back and finish this amazing story how how TTouch helped bring this little mare back from the brink…

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