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Posts Tagged ‘jo pogson’

TTOUCH & how it helped heal Laminitis- Missy’s Story…Part 3

by Jo Pogson,  England  –  Tellington TTouch for horses Practitioner 1

MISSY (Hit and Miss) Part 3

All the photo’s below were taken on 26th November 2009 before Mark did the significant trim and clearly showing the new and old horn growth.

These are the pictures taken a month later on 30th December 2009 still showing clear definition between new and old horn growth, but the hooves are now a more useful shape.  The pictures of her soles show the perfect newly formed Read the rest of this entry »

TTOUCH & how it helped heal Laminitis- Missy’s Story…Part 2

MISSY (Hit and Miss)

by Jo Pogson,  England  –  Tellington TTouch for horses Practitioner 1

In the initial stages I used owl touch on her chin as she was too tense to allow mouth work, but having done the owl on her chin I was then able to do llama around her muzzle and then gently work inside her top lip.  I also did octopus daily on all four legs, raccoon around her coronary band and inchworm on her neck.  I found she also liked inchworm with one hand behind her ears and one in front of her withers and then with one hand behind her withers and the other on her loins and then a third inchworm with one hand on her croup and the other on the skin where her tail meets her body.
At one point,

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