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Archive for the ‘Conformation & Physiology’ Category

Horse Physiology – The Importance of Conformation


A horse’s conformation is more important than just making him pretty enough to win ribbons. Every part of his physiology affects his balance and movement.

Conformation faults can not only impair the gaits, but lead to soundness problems when the horse is worked. Here are some of the basics of equine physiology.


Written By: Jennifer Walker


The legs, of course, are the part of the physiology that carry the weight and do a large part of the work when the horse is moving. They are also the place where most injuries occur and conformation faults are the most problematic.

Leg action starts with the shoulder, which should be long, muscular, and sloping. The longer the shoulder, the more muscle there will beand the stronger the gaits will be.

A sloping shoulder allows for the freedom that makes for Read the rest of this entry »