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ACUPRESSURE- Alternative/Natural Therapy for Horses Part 2


Start by finding a comfortable location for you and your horse where it is calm and you both can relax.  Slowly, take three even breaths in and out.  Think about how you want to help your horse feel better; taking a moment to formulate the intent of your treatment is very important. Begin by resting one hand near your horse’s shoulder.  Using the heel of your other hand, place it at the poll and gently stroke down his neck, just off the midline.  Continue stroking down to the hindquarters staying to the side of the midline.  To finish, stroke down the outside of his leg to the coronet band. Your opposite hand can trail along the same path touching the horse lightly. Repeat this stroking procedure three times on each side of your horse.

Now you are ready for Point Work.  Rest one hand on your horse wherever it is comfortable. You are going to perform the actual Point Work with the other hand.  Use either the thumb or two-finger technique depending on what is most comfortable for you.

-Thumb technique: Place the tip of your thumb directly on the acupressure point, also called “acupoint,” and hold the point gently, but with intent, for about   three to eight seconds.

-Two-finger technique: Put your middle finger on top of your index finger and then place your index finger gently, but with intentional firmness, directly on the acupressure point for approximately three to eight seconds.

Follow the “Acu-Points for Winter Trail Riding” chart during the Point Work segment of your treatment. Watch your horse’s reaction to the point work.  Healthy energy releases are: yawning, deep breathing, muscle twitches, release of air, and softening of the eye. If your horse is overly reactive to a particular point or exhibits a pain reaction, work the acupoint in front of the reactive point or behind it.  Try that point again at a later session to see if he is more comfortable. 

To complete your treatment session, rest your hand comfortably on his shoulder.  Place the heel of your other hand just off his poll and stoke down his neck, continue stroking over his back to his hindquarters, keeping your hand to the side of his spine and down the outside of his leg in exactly the same way you did to start the session. Your opposite hand can lightly trail along the same path the working hand.  Repeat this procedure three times on each side of your horse.  It can take 24-hours for the effects of an acupressure treatment to be experienced. 


Nancy Zidonis and Amy Snow are the authors of: Equine Acupressure: A Working Manual, The Well-Connected Horse: A Guide To Canine Acupressure, and, Acu-Cat: A Guide to Feline Acupressure.  They own Tallgrass Publishers, which offers Meridian Charts for horses, horses, and cats, plus Introducing Equine Acupressure, a 50-minute training video. Tallgrass Animal Acupressure provides training courses worldwide. To contact them: phone: 888-841-7211; web:;

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